Athens Community Council on Aging

Introducing Helping Hands to ACCA

ACCA is hosted a lunch, catered by White Tiger, at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, August 30 in the Harris Room at the Athens Community Council on Aging as an official launch for the new “Helping Hands” volunteer program. Service-minded adults age 55 and up who are ready to “get involved, give back, and make an impact” are encouraged to attend. Attendees at the lunch learned more about the need, available opportunities, and how they can lend a helping hand and change someone’s life.

Helping Hands connects adult volunteers with homebound older adults or individuals with disabilities – which the program refers to as “neighbors” – who need additional support. Helping Hands offers volunteers several options for service.

In providing these services, Helping Hands volunteers support the capacity of these neighbors to continue living independently.  Please contact Erin Beasley at 706-549-4850 or if you have any questions.

Check out pictures of today’s event by clicking HERE.

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