Eve Anthony
President/Chief Executive Officer
Erin Beasley
Vice President/Director of Operations
Leslie Trier
Director of Programs and Services
Nita Norris
Human Resources Director
Jenna Kopp
Executive Assistant
Renee Seligman
Outreach Coordinator
Allyn Rippin
Center for Active Living Director
Chad Hall
Adult Day Health Director
Jennifer Shaikun
Meals on Wheels Director
Jan Bush
AmeriCorps Senior Program Director
Angela Chavous
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Coordinator
Keith Adams
Senior Community Service Employment Program Coordinator
Julie Hanna
Geriatric Care Manager
Kellye Morgan
Dementia Resource Center Program Director
Louise Platter
Benefits Counseling Program Coordinator
Tony Lay
Transportation Director
Rebecca Pulliam
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program Coordinator
Jenna Moon
Care Coordinator

Board of Directors, Executive Committee

Dr. Reginald Woods
Dr. Reginald Woods
Retired Sr. HR Manager, Facilities Management
Dr. Tiffany Washington
Dr. Tiffany Washington
Vice Chair
Associate Professor, School of Social Work UGA
Jonathan Wentworth
Jonathan Wentworth
UGA Business Financial Services
Michael Seibert
Michael Seibert
The Sign Brothers, Co-Owner/Brother

Board of Directors

Dr. Claudio Afonso
Gabe Brauer
President, Founder, & Creative Director
Elaine Cook
Director & Major Gifts Officer
Piedmont Athens Regional Foundation
Jonathan Hogan
Broker Associate
Coldwell Banker Commercial Upchurch Realty
Lewis Hudgins
Retired Owner
The Griffin Hudgins Co., LLC
Christina Moore
Retail Market Manager
Synovus Bank
Parker Morgan
Commercial Real Estate Attorney
Fortson, Bentley, & Griffin, P.A.
Dr. Lisa Renzi-Hammond
Institute of Gerontology
Dr. Donald Scott
Associate Professor of Medicine
MD Campus Director of Geriatrics and Palliative Care
Mrs. Evelyn Wright
Honorary Director
Retired Educator, Jackson County Schools

Latest News & Events

Updates on Flood Damage at ACCA
Updates on Flood Damage at ACCA

On June 11, 2023, muddy water from a nearby construction site flooded into our building. It was a Sunday morning, so the building was empty. The water flowed through the main building, ruining floors, soaking drywall, drenching carpet, damaging bathroom fixtures. But those things can be fixed. The harm to […]

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Connections, Summer 2024
Connections, Summer 2024

In this issue of Connections, get ready to explore the exciting world around us. Whether it’s a day trip nearby or a journey across the globe, we’ve got you covered with tips and tricks for all your travel adventures. Inside, you’ll discover thrilling day trips just a few hours from […]

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retroProm 2024 was a BLAST!
retroProm 2024 was a BLAST!

retroProm 2024 was a hit! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported our older neighbors by dancing the night away. We are so, so lucky to have an incredible community who truly cares about our local seniors! No retroProm would be complete without a stellar prom court!  Over […]

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