Dee Windate

How did you learn about ACCA?

2 years ago, I came to ACCA to be trained to come into Winterville Center, but the position fell through.  The director of the Winterville Center met with the program director of the SCSEP program and learned about the incentives of partnering to coordinate staff opportunities.  Over a period of time, the center has expanded and I along with one other employee manage the entire center.

What are your favorite things about continuing employment later in life?

Having something to do as an older person, especially a job, makes you feel more involved and valued.  It keeps you active and is very fulfilling.

What is your secret to Living Well and Aging Well?

I didn’t start working until I was 50, but I have stayed busy doing everything from running a produce business to being a real estate agent to working as a florist for Disney World.

What has been your favorite employment experience?

Working for Disney World was wonderful.  All young people need to work there.  They treat their employees so great.  Any plan they had was communicated to employees a year in advance and your time of employment begins with a paid two week customer training to learn about the culture.

I also enjoyed working at the University of Georgia doing accounts payable and receivable.

What would your advice be to your younger self?

I am thankful for the training I received at Disney World.  So many younger people seem to have a lack of loyalty to what they do.  This may be attributed to the employer just as much as the employee.  When I was younger, you started a job and stayed through retirement.  You just don’t see individuals finding long-term employment with a company like that anymore.

You just celebrated your 85th birthday.  In 85 years, what are some of the most interesting changes you’ve seen in the workplace?

Technology!  I just love technology!  I started out with old fashioned computers and the advancements have fascinated me my entire life.  When technology breaks down today, it’s scary to think of how much it effects the operations of an office.

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