
Voting Is Open for the 2013 Ms. Senior Athens People’s Choice


It’s that time of year!!  Click on the picture above or HERE to vote for the 2013 People’s Choice winner for the upcoming Ms. Senior Athens Celebration. The People’s Choice Award was developed for the community, family, and friends to show support for a specific contestant and support for the annual, signature fundraising event for ACCA. Each contestant can have donations made in their honor. The contestant with the most money raised for the fundraiser will be the 2013 People’s Choice winner.  Cash and check donations will be accepted from Monday, February 11, 2013 until Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Online donations will be accepted from March 11, 2013 until Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 11:59 p.m.  In addition, each contestant will have an area set up at the pageant where cash and check donations can be made at the event.  People’s Choice donations at the event will be accepted until the close of intermission on April 21, 2013. Every gift for the People’s Choice award is tax-deductible and goes to the programs of ACCA.

Also, you can purchase tickets for the event HERE.  $20 of the adult ticket is tax-deductible and $10 of children ticket is tax deductible.  We hope to see you there!

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