
6 Days Away from Georgia Gives Day

ACCA is asking you to give to help us out on Georgia Gives Day on November 13!!  Georgia Gives Day is an initiative that has been co-created by the nonprofit sector itself. It doesn’t support one cause or one locale – it’s all of us in the state’s nonprofit sector pulling together to ask you to stop and consider your life and your community without nonprofits. How much less connected, less vibrant, less interesting and less supported would our communities be without them?

Georgia Gives Day is really about us all – it’s about everyone pulling together to support the organizations and causes right in our own backyards and across the state that have been a part of our lives since day one.

So, we are asking all Georgians, on November 13th, to give a little and share a little so that, together, we can do a lot for the causes that we all care about. Whether you have $10 or $10,000 to give, it all adds up to greater impact on the issues that support and enrich our lives and make our local communities thrive.

Here’s how you can help our mission