ACCA Celebrates Father’s Day
This Father’s Day, several of ACCA’s staff are recognizing their dads by telling their story and donating in their honor. Please share your father’s story with us and we will include it below and some will be featured on our social media pages. Send your story and photo to alancaster@accaging.org. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of your father, please click here.
My dad, David “Poppy” Kumnick never met a stranger. It was his love of people, kindness and humility that led him to be a Meals on Wheels volunteer extraordinaire in his retirement home of Jasper, GA for so many years. For our family, he taught us to laugh easily and often (and at ourselves), to give more than we get, to forgive and practice empathy, trust in faith, and above all else, love unconditionally. I am thankful for this opportunity to share a little about a man I so adored and to honor his legacy of kindness with a gift to ACCA this Father’s Day. – Eve Anthony, ACCA CEO
My Dad, Denny, was known for his quick wit, amazing memory and trivial knowledge, and deep love of his family, Clemson football and my grandma Nancy’s fried apple pies. My Dad imparted so many valuable lessons to me. Because of him, I learned to value my education and to take pride in myself, my work and what I earn. I know that it’s important to do the right thing, even if it’s not the easy thing. I practice preventative car maintenance and can fold a fitted sheet perfectly. And, he also taught me the importance of supporting your family, your alma mater, and your community. Daddy modeled caring for others in the way he helped look after my own grandmother and aging relatives, his participation in church and civic outreach, donating blood every 6 weeks, and giving (often anonymously) to organizations that helped serve others. He passed away 16+ years ago, but my sister and I often still ask ourselves “What would DB do?” And we’re blessed that we know the answer and it is always- he would do the good and right thing.
Today, in honor of his memory, I’m donating to Meals on Wheels. I believe that if Daddy had lived long enough he’d likely be a committed Meals volunteer. And, I know without question that he’d want to help in making sure that people had the food they needed. It’s a good thing, and the right thing to do. – Leslie Trier, ACCA Director of Programs and Services
My dad, Robert “Brick” Lancaster, dedicated his life to public health. He held positions at public health departments around the country before a 20-year career at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He passed away five years ago from dementia at the age of 66.
My dad was a charismatic communicator and gave public health speeches around the world. I would be in awe of his storytelling and he would always tell me to build my professional network. Ironically both his kids ended up in the field of communications! He would be so proud that I’ve landed here at ACCA – an organization dedicated to the wellbeing of older adults. Today I’m donating to the Meals on Wheels program in memory of him. – Amy Lancaster, Director of Development and Communications
My dad, Heyward “Papa” Sloan was a man that didn’t say the words “I love you”, but his actions showed the love. He taught me and my brothers and sister that family is everything, to always be there for each other, to not forget about the traditions and the holidays. His favorite holiday to celebrate was Easter and it brought such joy to his face to see the adults out running around looking for the prize egg. He was a jokester, so many of the eggs he would hide messages inside saying “Gotcha.” I so miss that sly smile on his face that said I’m innocent. – Nita Norris, Personnel Director
My dad, Steve, always made sure you knew how much he loved you. Every phone call, letter, text, and most conversations included at lest one “I love you, kiddo.” After my Grandfather passed, my Dad made the two-hour drive to my Grandmother’s house most weekends to help her mow the lawn and maintain her beloved garden. He demonstrated for me what love in action looks like. I am happy to follow his example by donating to support the love in action that is Meals on Wheels at ACCA this Father’s Day weekend.
– Erin Beasley, Director of Operations