It Happens at My Senior Center. My Life. My Time. My Way.
During September, the Center for Active Living Plus (CAL+) celebrated National Senior Center Month, addressing the national theme: It Happens at My Senior Center. My Life. My Time. My Way. Over the past few months, CAL+ has welcomed several new members, and we first and foremost wanted to celebrate and thank our clients for being with us each day. CAL+ hosted a special appreciation breakfast at the end of the month, and acknowledged several center members who regularly volunteer to help our center run smoothly. The center also took time to thank those community members who volunteer their time to offer classes, programs, and activities for our center.
During the early part of the month, CAL+ members had the opportunity to address the My Life aspect of National Senior Center Month, by participating in Operation Gratitude. Members wrote thank you letters to veterans and active service members, and had the opportunity to reflect on those close to them who have served in our armed force, and for some of our members to reflect on their own service. The center took on this project as part of the September 11th National Day of Service.
CAL+ celebrated the My Time aspect of National Senior Center Month by offering new programming and trips for our clients, so that members can best enjoy their time at the center. We have begun offering Tai Chi Chih and took a trip to an Atlanta Braves game. We will continue this celebration of My Time on into October in order to take advantage of some special community offerings for older adults, including Senior Day at the Elberton County Fair and a trip to the UGA College of Pharmacy’s annual Dawgtoberfest Health Fair.
With the upcoming election, September was a perfect time to address My Way. We spent time this month, working to make sure the voices of our members are heard. During the month, interested CAL+ members received assistance in registering to vote and applying for absentee ballots. In partnership with our food provider, GA Foods, we have increased our members’ input on our monthly menus, by allowing our members to plan a menu of their favorite foods to be served each month.
The Center for Active Living Plus Program thanks our clients, our volunteers, and our caregivers for making what we do possible.
-Trippe Ross, Center for Active Living Plus Program Manager