Archive for 2023
Leslie: Recognizing Need In Her Own Backyard
“The one thing you learn when volunteering for Meals on Wheels is that a lot of these seniors are homebound, and their loneliness is a big element. I’ve learned that sometimes they don’t see a lot of people, and it’s nice to take the time to chat, ask how they […]
Harvey and Sylvia: Discovering Unexpected Friendships
“I first learned about Meals on Wheels through our neighbors, Tom and Ann, who have each been handling routes on Monday mornings for probably fifteen years. Having heard of many of their experiences, Tom allowed me to ride with him on his route one Monday morning. That’s all it took […]
Beverly: Volunteering Through Generations
“My husband’s dad, Bill, was actually a Meals on Wheels volunteer for several years in Athens. He even won an award as one of the best volunteers. My mother delivered for Meals on Wheels, too. So, I learned from Bill and my mom about the whole Meals on Wheels process. […]
What Older Adults LOVE About ACCA!
We think our members are the BEST around and couldn’t miss the opportunity to highlight a few of them. We sat down with a handful of our participants to discuss what they enjoy about ACCA. Their answers had us blushing. Read them below! David David’s been coming to ACCA […]
Connections, Spring 2023
From the perspective of experts apart of three different generations: what does aging REALLY mean today? You’ll find out in this issue of Connections! You’ll also hear from Kitty Meyran – recently retired long-time YMCA leader – about aging well and living well. And those fuzzy friends that keep many […]
Top 10 Podcasts for Older Adults – That Aren’t About Health!
Growing older is filled with a variety of experiences, and yet, most content for older adults is focused on health and fitness. These topics are important (and we do cover them at ACCA), but we also believe there is so much MORE involved in aging. Aging and living well means […]
Starting Feb. 6, ACCA Host Free Aging Mastery Program
The Athens Community Council on Aging is empowering older adults to build their own personal playbooks for aging and living well. Starting Feb. 6, ACCA will host the Aging Mastery Program at its Center for Active Living and virtually on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. Created by the National […]
Connections, Winter 2023
Health of all kinds is important. And nutrition, access to resources and proper perspective on aging contribute to health in more ways than one. Hear from Athens legend Bertis Downs – former manager for REM – in this edition of Connections to discover how he ages well and lives well; […]